Clever / Online Learning Systems
Solution guides for Clever and Online Learning Systems
Seesaw Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting for families and students using Seesaw Learning Journals.
How Do I Log Into My Clever Portal?
1. Navigate to your school's home page, and Select the Students tab at the top of the page. 2. In the drop down menu, Select Clever-Canvas & More. 3. Log in with Google using your @nnschools credentials and this will bring you to into the Clever Portal. Once you are logged into Clever, you will see all the applications your student will need for the school year. Below is a list of available applications supported by Newport News Public Schools Online Learning Systems Team.
Virginia Assessment Parent Portal Guide
Creating an Account 1. Navigate to 2. Select Sign Up 3. Enter your First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and create a Password. Password Requirements include: • Minimum 8 characters • At least one upper case letter • At least one lower case letter • At least one number 4. Select Create Account 5. Open your email inbox to find an email from titled Please Confirm Your New Account 6. To confirm your Parent Portal account, open the email and Select the hyperlink in the sentence "Follow this LInk to confirm your account" Your Parent Portal account is now Created! Logging in 1. Navigate to 2. Enter your Email Address and your Password 3. Select Log In You will now have access to your student's Virginia Assessment test results. Adding a Claim Code 1. Enter your Student's First Name, Last Name, and Select the Student's Date of Birth. 2. Enter the Claim Code. This Claim Code was provided by the student's school. Note: Claim Code is case sensitive. Enter exactly as it appears. 3. Select Find Results. Your will now be able to view your student's test scores. Reviewing Student Test Results Student Test information will be located under the My Student's Test Results: 1. Select Download Student Detail by Question to review a full report of your student's test. Once you're done reviewing your student's results, be sure Log Out. At the top right hand corner, Select your email and Select Log Out in the dropdown. Before you Log Out Note: If you need to review another child's test results, Select the Virginia Assessment Parent Portal Banner to return to the main screen and Enter the new Claim Code. Changing Account Profile If you ever need to edit the Name or Password associated with your Parent Portal Account: 1. At the top right hand corner, Select your email and Select Profile in the dropdown. 2. Enter any changes within the Name or Password fields. Select Save. Your profile is now updated! Note: You cannot change the email associated with your Parent Portal account. If you no longer have access to the email address used to create your account, you will need to create a new account. Frequently Asked Questions Q. Why did I receive a message indicating my email address is already in use for an existing account when attempting to create a new account? A. You may have already created an account for the Parent Portal. Try logging in. If needed, use the Forgot password? link on the login page. Q. Why did I not receive an email to confirm my account? A. Try these steps in the following order: 1. Check your Spam or Junk folders. 2. Try creating a new user account with the email you used initially to setup your account. If you receive a success message, this may indicate the account was not created or the email was entered incorrectly. 3. Add to your address book. Q. Why did I receive an “Account Not Verified” message when trying to log in? A. You need to confirm your account by following the link sent in the initial email. Use the link in the email you received to confirm your account, and log in again. Note: if you still see the “Account Not Verified” screen, try logging out and log back in again. Q. Why did I receive a “Supplied credentials are invalid. Email address or password was incorrect.” message when trying to log in? A. Try these steps: 1. Click on the “Forgot Password” link on the login screen. When you receive the email, reset your password and try to log in again. 2. If you are unsuccessful in resetting your password, try creating a new user account. The email address could have been mistyped when attempting to create your account or the account may not have been created. Q. What if I forgot my password? A. Select the “Forgot Password?” link on the login page. You will be prompted to enter your email address, and a new system-generated email will be immediately sent to you with a new link to reset your password. Please use the link in the most recent email and do not use a previous password. Q. Why did I received a “Student Results Not Found” message? A. Verify the first name, last name, date of birth, and claim code match what your child’s school provided. If problems still exist, please reach out to your child’s school/division.
Login to Edgenuity for Credit Recovery
Logging into Edgenuity as a Student: Clever SSO 1. Navigate to the Clever Portal and Select "Log in with Google". 2. In the Google Signin prompt, Verify the following credentials. Username: Your NNPS student account including Password: You regular NNPS password 3. Once logged into Clever, select the Edgenuity Courseware app titled "Imagine Edgenuity / MyPath 6-12". Logging into Edgenuity as a Student: Manual Login Some students will need to login to Edgenuity Courseware directly and not using Clever SSO. Manual login may be site-based and where school schedules are not assigned in Synergy SIS (i.e. Gatewood Learning Center, Juvenile Detention) 1. Navigate to 2. Log in using the following credentials: Username: Your full NNPS email account Password: Student ID Logging into Edgenuity as a School Facilitator 1. Navigate to 2. Log in using the following credentials: Username: Your full NNPS email account Password: EmployeeIDTeacher (Exclude leading zeroes in your employee ID and capitalize "T" for Teacher) Note: School Facilitators not scheduled/assigned in Synergy SIS nor rostered via Clever, School Facilitator accounts are manually provisioned. This means School Facilitators must login directly to the Edgenuity LMS Please contact Beth Spivak, for any Credit Recovery program questions or concerns.
Virginia Wizard in Clever FAQ
Students can now use Clever Single-Sign-On (SSO) to access Virginia Wizard. This integration means that school staff no longer need to create student accounts in the Wizard or give students Wizard credentials to login. Students can simply use their NNPS Google account to access Clever and select the Virginia Wizard app icon to be linked directly to their profile in the Wizard. Please see some Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) answers below regarding this change in student login: Is any student activation required outside of Clever? How does the Clever SSO path change past student account creation/activation processes for staff? No other student activation is needed. Once a student is enrolled in Synergy SIS, Clever will pick up the student’s information via nightly sync and the Wizard API will make a call to match it when the student logs in to the Wizard. All students with past accounts will simply use Clever to login to the Wizard to streamline account access. How often does Virginia Wizard sync student data from Clever? The Wizard syncs nightly (around 4 am) from Synergy SIS > Clever. Does the Clever integration for Virginia Wizard include rostering? Rostering of student classes is not currently supported by the Wizard. However, this should be available later in the year. Virginia Wizard staff estimate that rostering will be supported in Clever by end of June. In the meantime, Virginia Wizard will be taking steps to make ACP’s easier for counselors to generate and work with in the system. Can teachers/staff get access via SSO in Clever? The app only supports students at this time. For teacher or staff access, the non-SSO access method stays the same. Staff will need to continue logging into the Wizard through with their previously established username/password. Staff can track student progress through their Wizard Admin account, to use this information for data reporting at the end of the school year. Who do I reach out to for Virginia Wizard support? Please email Who do I reach out to for Clever student login issues? Please email
How to Access Student Edition of the Carnegie Learning eTextbook
1. Sign into Clever. 2. Under NNPS Learning Systems, Select Carnegie Learning app. 3. Find the necessary eTextbook, Select Launch. 4. On the left-hand side of the portal, Select Resources to access a list of eTextbooks. 5. Scroll down and Select Mirrors & Windows eBook icon. The eReader window displays the eTextbook along with Annotation, Search, and Zoom settings - along with other navigation tools and keyboard shortcuts. If you have any questions, please email
Lexia Core5 FAQ
How do students log in to Lexia Core 5 on an iPad? Students should open the Clever app on their iPad, and scan their QR Code Badge to login. Once students are logged in to the Clever Portal, they should select the Lexia Core 5 app icon. This will automatically launch the Core 5 app on the iPad for the student to begin working on the platform. NOTE: screens may flash open during the Clever login process. Students should not touch the keyboard, trackpad, or mouse until their program opens. This will make for a smoother login experience! How do students log in to Lexia Core 5 on a Chromebook? Students should navigate to their Clever Portal in the Chrome browser on their devices. Since logged into their Chromebook with NNPS Google credentials, students are already logged in to Clever for portal and app access. In the portal, students simply select the Lexia Core 5 app icon to open the platform in a new browser tab. There are errors and alerts appearing in Lexia, what should I do? Students or other users may occasionally encounter an error or alert message while using Lexia Core 5. If this happens, they should please contact Some errors and alerts commonly featured are represented below: Software Issue - Whoopsie Daisy (Baboon) Network or Connection Issue - Connecting to Server (Octopus) Lost Connection to the Internet - Cannot connect to Server (Squirrels) Multi-Device Use - Login Conflict (Seahorses) School is out of Licenses (Butterflies) You are not Enrolled in Core 5 (Lion) How is a student licensed to the Lexia Core 5 program? When a student logs into Core 5 for the first time, they will automatically begin Auto Placement. The program audio informs them that they will work through several activities, and that they should do their best work. They then work through activities until the program has placed them, at which point they receive a “Good Job!” message and will be logged out. When they log in the next time, they can begin using Core 5 at their assigned level. For more information on the student experience of Core 5 Auto Placement, see Auto Placement FAQ: Student Experience. How do students properly log out of Lexia Core 5? It’s important for students to log out when they have finished using Core 5. If students don’t log out, some of their usage minutes may not be recorded, which can result in a student not meeting their weekly target usage minutes in myLexia. Teachers should help students get credit for all of the minutes they spend working in Core 5 by making sure that they log out each time they finish using the program. Students should log out as follows: 1. Select the red X in the upper right-hand corner of the Core 5 window. 2. In the logout window, select the "Log Out" button to log out. (selecting the Go Back button will return the student to the activity selection screen) 3. Students should then see the logout screen with the dog. Select Log Out to exit Core 5. NOTE: not logging out can mean that not all minutes are recorded. If students leave the platform running when they stop working, the program will log them out after a period of inactivity. When calculating usage minutes after this type of log-out, the program looks for the last time Core 5 communicated with the student server. If a student is logged out for inactivity, and hasn’t recently finished a unit or branched from one instructional step to another (for example: from Standard to Guided Practice) they may not get credit for all of the minutes they worked. If a student consistently shows fewer usage minutes in myLexia than expected, teachers should work with them to make sure they aren’t doing any of the following instead of logging out: On any device: leaving Core 5 open when they walk away from the device Browser version: closing the browser window, logging out of the device profile, closing the Chromebook lid, etc. Browser version: switching to another tab, leaving Core 5 open in the first tab iPad: returning to the home screen on the iPad Lexia Core 5 keeps kicking students out of the platform, why is this happening? If a student is not working on the platform, and the program remains idle (no interaction) after 15 minutes then a pop-up will appear with a message asking if the student is still there, and do they want to keep working. If no response is entered, after approximately 5 more minutes the student will be logged (timed) out. If they close the app or browser window without logging out, they will be logged out after that 20 minute timeframe as well. If a student is actively working in the program (entering responses or clicking on the fun facts), they should not time out. Lexia Core 5 is asking for a teacher email on iPads - is this normal? If it’s the first time Lexia Core 5 has been used on an iPad device then a teacher email prompt will appear. This is described in this Lexia support article: The teacher email prompt is normal behavior and only has to be done once. After that, the app will open automatically for students from Clever. Entering a teacher email on the app can be done by the teacher or other school staff. Who should I contact for technical support? For technical support, school users should contact with the appropriate details or description of the respective issue or concern.
How to Locate Teacher Page Links in Clever
Teachers may add important Links on their Teacher Page for their students to access, like their Zoom Meeting Link. 1. Go to your Clever Portal 2. Click Teacher Pages to view all Teacher Pages available 3. Find and Click on your Teacher's Page icon 4. Find the Link icon and Click to open If you have any questions, please submit a work order to
How Do I Log into HMH Ed?
Accessing HMH Ed in Clever Students are able to access Read180 and HMH-licensed assessments like NWEA Map through their HMH Ed dashboard. If you still have questions, please contact